A crisp winter’s welcome is unparalleled.

Arriving in Milan from Mumbai via Istanbul yesterday, the cold air was ever so refreshing. Particularly so, when compared to the heat of its distant, dusty Indian relative.

After an expensive taxi ride to my tiny rented flat in central Milan, I decided to venture out, mainly to draw some euros after being drained of them. On my way back from the atm I found a local super market. An absolute treat laid in a store. A few vegetables, fruits, spinach and meatballs later I was back in my flat where I promptly dined on the said yield. A good night’s sleep aided by favourable jetlag followed.

I write this on an early winter Milan morning, after two suryanamaskars, home made breakfast and a guitar tune up. I now proceed to practice with Drago, Rabbo, Nik and Mamone in preparation for Transmuiscales on Thursday. Time for rocking duties. In TELUGU.