Punk is still a force to be reckoned with: Glen Matlock

Anarchy In The UK should tell you that punk rock band the Sex Pistols were up to no good as far as the establishment was concerned in the mid ’70s in the Queen’s land. They were the curious, scandalous and shocking band that initiated a punk rock revolution in the country and was hailed as one of the most influential groups. Now, one of the original members, bassist Glen Matlock, is all set for his maiden gig in Mumbai today. The artiste quit the band and later featured in bands such as Dead Men Walking, The Face and Rich Kids. Glen, who is the frontman of his project, The Philistines, is collaborating with Indian artiste Shriram Alluri for his show in the city.

About the gig in Mumbai
Impressed by Alluri’s cover of the Sex Pistols’ iconic song Anarchy In The UK, Glen was on board to produce the former’s single Don’t Lose Touch when his manager approached him. “Alluri and I hit it off and established an immediate rapport, so it was a no-brainer to say ‘yes’ when he invited me to perform in Mumbai this month,” Glen says about taking the gig up.

About the pertinence of punk rock today, he says, “It was the voice of dissatisfaction that’s still relevant,” adding that it’s debatable whether it should still subscribe to the same dress code and set of chord changes, which he never particularly subscribed to. “But punk has its merits and coupled with a top tune and a Rock and Roll spirit, is still a force to be reckoned with when it involves a set of lyrics of some consequence,” he explains.

Changing gears
The musician has said that he now sees himself as a singer-songwriter more than being a bassist. About the transition, he says, “Well, I have always composed on a six-string acoustic guitar and traditionally played bass (which I still enjoy) when somebody else is singing. To me, it is always about making the song work, so whatever instrument I play, it is geared to that. Since I’ve always played both (not at the same time), there was no need of a transition, really — just in the public’s perception perhaps.”

Album’s good to go
After he heads back home, Glen has a new album, Good To Go (GTG), coming up. “It features Earl Slick from David Bowie and John Lennon fame on lead guitar. We are currently setting up shows for the fall to promote the record,” he says. GTG has a plethora of influences from the time he started listening to music to now. What’s the one thing that ties it all together? Glen avers, “I think basically most writers borrow or pay homage to stuff they have dug, and guess I am the same. What ties it together is my gift of constructing songs.”

Pistols reunion? Sure
Glen has handled the bass duties for the Sex Pistols on several occasions after his replacement, Sid Vicious, died. The last one was in 2007-8 for the UK and Europe Combine Harvester Tour. The artiste says that he would consider the idea of reuniting with the band for gigs but “it’s all quite long in the tooth now, so don’t lose any sleep worrying whether it will happen or not,” he signs off.


Alluri debuts new single “Don’t Lose Touch”

Alluri is a musician from Hyderabad, India, who’s impossible to categorize, but his music is as grand and euphoric as anything you’d find from Arcade Fire and has a touch of Morricone too. Other artists Alluri has been influenced by include Lou Reed, David Bowie, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, Morrissey, The Mothers, Francobollo, Fat White Family, Courtney Barnett. Today, Alluri is streaming his brand new single “Don”t Lose Touch”, which is now available to stream.

‘Don’t Lose Touch’ was produced by the Sex Pistols very own Glen Matlock after hearing Alluri’s cover of ‘Anarchy in the UK’ at the Trans Musicales Festival in France where he blew everyone away. Live, Alluri is a force to be reckoned with and Glen Matlock recognised his potential and got in touch.

Alluri on the song:

“I wrote this song after I fell out of love with song writing […] so this song is a re-affirmation of my love for song writing and being in touch with what you love doing and never losing touch with your spirit.”
Glen Matlock on the song:

“Out of the blue I was sent a whacked out version of Anarchy in the UK performed by Alluri in an Indian sub continent, that turns out he did to appease his nephew. That reason aside, I dug his version. I was then approached and played a demo of a song of his own he had written called ‘Don’t Lose Touch‘ which was obviously a work in progress, but it was something I felt I could add to and assist in bringing to it’s full potential”


Tallinn Music Weeki maailmamuusika õhtul esineb India indierocki täht Alluri

2.–8. aprillini juba kümnendat korda toimuval muusika- ja linnakultuuri festivalil Tallinn Music Week (TMW) peetakse muuhulgas 7. aprillil Erinevate Tubade Klubis maailmamuusika õhtu. See kontsert toob kokku erinäolisi artiste maailma eri paikadest, sealhulgas India indierocki tõusva tähe Alluri.

India Hyderabadi linnast pärit Shriram Alluri loomingus kohtuvad Arcade Fire väärilised eufoorilised meloodiad ja spagetivesternide heliribadele omane vunk. Lapsena klassikalise klaveri- ja viiulimängu koolituse läbinud Alluri muusikaline eneseleidmine toimus teismeeas koos The Smithsi, Joy Divisioni ja Dovesi lugudest innustunud kitarrimängu õpingutega. Nüüd jagab ta oma aega India, Ühendkuningriigi ja Itaalia vahel ning loob Briti vintage indiest mõjutatud muusikat oma kodulinna kohalikus telugu keeles. Muusikaspetsialistide hinnangul on Alluri muusika ühtagu tuttavlik ja algupärane ning seda on pea võimatu paigutada rangesse žanrilisse lahtrisse.

Alluri debüütalbum „Man Of Truth“ (2015) pälvis kiitust nii muusiku kodumaal Indias kui ka üleilma muusipressis. Käesoleval aastal ilmub Briti sõltumatu plaadimärgi Killing Moon alt tema teine täispikk album, mille valmimisel on võtmerolli mänginud Grammy nominendist produtsent Tommasso Colliva (The Jesus and Mary Chain, Muse, Franz Ferdinand) ja italo-funki bändi Calibro 35 liige Massimo Martelotta.

Märtsi esimeses pooles ilmus albumi eelmaitse-singel telugukeelne „Naa To Vastava (A Trip)“. „„Naato Vastaava“ on lugu armastusest ja poliitikast,“ selgitab Alluri. „Kirjutasin selle kunagi ammu, kui mu maailmavaade oli veel üsna naiivne. „Kindlasti tasub vaadata loo lüürikavideot, milles on minu kodukoha argielu päris põnevalt kujutatud.“

Peagi ilmuva uue albumi kohta ütleb Alluri Postimehes ilmunud värskes intervjuus järgmist:

„Pärast esikplaadi valmimist tundsin, et ma ei saa inglise keeles kirjutatud lugusid oma pere ja sõpradega tõeliselt jagada. Tundsin, et pean lugusid telugu keeles kirjutama, et tugevdada oma identiteeti, mille olin unarusse jätnud. Kõik albumi lood sündisid plahvatusliku hooga.“

Sütitava kontsertesinejana on Alluri üles astunud nii Inglismaal Cambridge´i folgifestivalil kui ka Prantsusmaal Trans Musicales festivalil. Viimasel esitatas ta ka Sex Pistolsi „Anarchy in the UK“ töötlust, mille salvestust jagas Twitteris ka Pistolsi bassimees Glen Matlock isiklikult. Nüüdseks on Matlock ja Alluri plaani võtnud lausa ühise singli salvestamise.

Alluri india-rocki kuuleb 7. aprillil algusega kell 23.40 TMW maailmamuusika õhtul Erinevate Tubade Klubis. Nimele kohaselt toob maailmamuusika lava artiste kokku igast ilma otsast – lisaks Indiale Portugalist ja Israelist, ent ka siitsamast Läänemere kallastelt. Kogeda saab nii Balkani muusikat kui ka afrobiiti ning malestrateegiate ja eksootiliste rütmide põrkumisest sündinud elektroonikat.

TMW 2018 maailmamuusika kontserdiõhtu piletid hinnaga 12 eurot on müügil Piletilevis, kohapeal saab osta pileteid hinnaga 15 eurot.

Kontserdile tagab pääsu ka TMW 2018 festivalipass, konverentsi ja festivali ühispass ning toetajapass. TMW passid on müügil veebipoes.
